📶 29 SEP 2023: Dailystar > Pastor locks himself into cage full of lions to show he has 'divine protection.' - #Nigeria

ByLeigh Mcmanus
16:52, 29 SEP 2023
UPDATED17:00, 29 SEP 2023

A video going viral across Africa shows a Nigerian pastor climb into a cage of lions as his congregation watch on, but the claim has been debunked and it appears the bloke is a zoo keeper

A so-called Nigerian holy man locked himself in a cage with three lions to demonstrate his ‘divine protection’, like in the biblical story of Daniel, who was saved by the beasts by God himself.

The pastor leader, who wanted to prove that “nothing can happen to a man of God”, even appeared to invite his congregation to the animal park to witness the stunt - and it appears he came out unscathed even after putting his arm in one of the animal's mouths.

The clip shows the so-called pastor, seen wearing a bright blue suit, stroking the growling lions in their enclosure in Nigeria before he risks a limb, all the while looking confidently at the camera.

It appears as though the crazed man of cloth was recreating the biblical story of Daniel, who was thrown into a lion’s den and came out unscathed thanks to the hand of God.

However, the BBC claim that the man is not a man of god at all, saying that he is in fact a zoo keeper.

And instead of being wowed by the godly grace of the stunt, Kenyan MP Ronald Karauri, 45, offered to pay for the pastor to be sent to the Maasai Mara National Reserve to try the stunt with wild lions, after he noticed the viral footage.

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